ABL Space Systems

Brand Strategy
Website Design & Development

Inside the walls of ABL headquarters in El Segundo, California, there is a mantra: simpler is better. While every other rocket company on Earth is pushing to advance experimental technology or utilize brand new manufacturing techniques, ABL, instead, stops and asks: is any of this really necessary?

When CFO Dan Piemont first approached us this concept was top of mind. ABL had fully developed RS1, their debut smallsat launcher, in an unprecedented three years and were ready to show the world. RS1 uses tried and true manufacturing methods and dead simple rocket tech which makes it extremely reliable and insanely affordable. This specific concept—not an untested flashy gimmick—was the value they wanted to come through most to their customers.

We worked with ABL leadership to completely overhaul their brand messaging and design a new website. How do we capture the ethos of simplicity in equally simple yet compelling statements and images? What declarations about the company could be made internally to stay authentic and true to the mission? And what does all that look like when brought to life in a clean, modern website? The result is a gorgeous, austere, digital home base where visitors get the point loud and clear: even rockets can be simple.